Good and Bad Facts about Great Depression and New Deal

The Great Depression and New Deal causes and effects of the Great Depression and how the New Deal changed the role of the government is desirable and undesirable. I say desirable and undesirable because it was a good and bad thing. I think people felt anger and joy during this time. And it’s an example of why people need to be sly and slick Image result for sneaky and lying photosand the New Deal had to learn and communicate.People want to lie and feel like they have to be slick and get over.People wanted to help by communicating. Theme to consider when thinking about this topic is culture.

Culture was affected in a negative and positive way because they was broke, but it allowed them to get help. For Instance, in Source number 1 and 4 states,”When President Roosevelt took office, he immediately launched  a series of programs to ease the effects of the Great Depression, and “unemployed and elderly attempted to give more rights to workers.”In addition in Source number 2 and 3 states,”Failure of many banks during the 1920’s” and “The first action of the New Deal was to give the banks… a four-day vacation.” Finally ,in Source number 1 and 2 states,”The inaction of the government made things worse when the depression began and “New York stock market increased unrealistic prices.” This allows us to see that in Sources 1 and 4, 2 and 3, and 1 and 2 shows Franklin was alert and that they was generous, we didn’t trust banks and banks was stressed. They was being cowards and scamming people.This also allows us to see the good and bad things about Great Depression and New Deal.  Some may disagree because without the Great Depression happening we wouldn’t have New Deal.

In Conclusion , I see continuity in history. For example the government is giving food-stamps to the unemployed and the people who need them.This helps us to understand more about the past and present because the government was helping and being generous.Perhaps people should be grateful for the government assistance and help.



“Nixon Flaws”

The significant events of the Nixon administration was unacceptable and considerable. The terms considerable and unacceptable are appropriate because he did good and bad things. This was a time when many people was really angry and scared. Also, it was a time when many people should communicate so everyone could be aware of whats going on. After studying the document I see a negative and positive impact on culture and politics.

Firstly, Nixon policy of Detente affected Culture in a positive way based on him being a peace maker and helping their relationship improve. For instance in source 1,” Nixon believed… that reduce cold tension.. WWI minimize the risk of World War.” In addition it states” SALT 1 treaty was signed… It also eased the arms race.” This allows us to see Nixon did a few good things but it led to many people thinking he was a bad person. He did a good thing by improving wanting to bring Soviet Union and United States together.

However, some may feel Nixon was a good person he just had a little flaws. His significant events of the Nixon Administration affected politics and culture in a positive way. He or she may be focusing only on how he decreased the number of soldiers in Vietnam. Well that’s all fine and true . The text even states he had a few flaws.

In conclusion, the evidence supports continuity in history. Based on the facts given creates conflict. Like Nixon created. Foe example, when he shut down the government knowing people had to take care of their families. It helps us to understand the past better because he was not helping the people by shutting down the government he knew some families couldn’t afford food and place to stay. Perhaps, every president that get elected should consider people feelings because Donald Trump had shut down the government knowing people needed it . I think they should help us and we all come together as one.Image result for nixon political cartoons

A Time When United States Wasted Money

The response of the United States to Communism after World War 2 is unacceptable. The term unacceptable is appropriate because they made bad decisions . It’s important to understand this was a time people was scared of nuclear war. After analyzing the documents, I see a negative impact on historical themes: Politics and Culture.

Also, “Containment” affected politics in a negative way based on wasted millions and harshness. For Instance, in Source 4, ” Vietnam War… biggest and most costly use of containment policy.. We supported Vietnam both militarily and economically. In addition, it states,” To Counter this the United States provided financial and military support to the Afghans. So, the United States would rather waste millions than see Communism spread and the U.S. would do anything to stop the growth of the USSR because the United States didn’t won’t communist to spread or gain power,but still did.

However, some may feel the response of the United States to communism after World War 2 affected politics in a positive way. However, the evidence in the text shows this was not completely true because in source 4 they was only helping Greece and Turkey because they didn’t won’t them to be Communist.

In Conclusion , the evidence strongly supports continuity in history. The United States lost power and didn’t  have to do Soviet Union like that. Perhaps, like Trump is doing things that is not right like trying to shut the government down and make people with little income pay for things. It helps us to understand what happened in the past is happening in the present and that we need to make a change on how we living. Perhaps people should start thinking differently and make a change for living. It’s like we still are living in the past. Image result for united wasted money on communist

“The New Deal”

The idea cause and effects’ of the Great Depression and how the New Deal changed the role of the government was considerable and unacceptable.The terms considerable and unacceptable is appropriate because it deals with the good and bad. It’s important to understand this was a time when people wanted to heal and improve. The  government tried to help the people. This is an example of how people want to learn about other people problems so they can help them by communicating. After analyzing the documents, I see negative and positive impacts on historical themes:Culture and Politics.

Firstly, the approaches of Hoover and Franklin D.Roosevelt on how to handle the depression affected Culture in a negative and positive way based on New presidents and old administrations. For Instance, in Source 1…..President Roosevelt launched a series of programs to ease the effects of the Great Depression. In addition, the inaction of the government (Hoover)made things worse when the depression began. This allows us to see poor people got the help they needed when Franklin D.Roosevelt became president and Hoover’s way of doing business pushed people away.The way people lived was with alot of conflict, one president tried to help and the other didn’t. They couldn’t agree on anything.

However,some may feel that causes for the Great Depression and how the government changed affected politics and culture in only a negative way. He or she may be focusing only on high unemployment .However, the evidence in the text shows this was not completely true another example in the text that proves my point is in Source 4 it states,”They made laws to help the elderly and the unemployed.”

In conclusion , the evidence strongly supports continuity in history. Based on the facts given economy gained power. For example, the unemployed gets social security to help them out. To help us understand the past and the future follows in the past and the future follows in the same step because they are continuing to help out the unemployed. Perhaps people should thank the government because they do care and they  consider the lives and struggles of the poor.Image result for the new deal

“Containment Is Good”

The idea of “Containment” in action is considerable. I say considerable because containment is good. The big idea of containment is good because they helped the poor and the elderly. Themes to consider are: Culture and Economics. For example,containment had a positive impact on culture and economics. For Instance, the evidence states”What we needed to do was to develop polices to keep communism where it  was to prevent it from spreading.” This allows us to see that the wealth didn’t want to give their money to the poverty. In Conclusion, we see a major focus on culture and economics because the government was stepping up and helping the poor. The government took the wealth money and gave it to the poor and elderly. This was important because it helps us to understand how the people lived and behaved in the past. It also shows how people get what they need. Perhaps people should be grateful that government is helping the poverty. Image result for communism is good

America Transformation

Transformation of America as a result of Westward expansion  is considerable and undesirable. The term considerable and undesirable is appropriate because both good and bad things happened.During the Westward Expansion there was a lot of removing Native Americans.This a good example how exploring shows good and bad things. After analyzing the documents, I see negative and positive impacts on historical themes: Culture and Politics.

Firstly, westward movement and expansion after the Civil War affected Culture of a positive way based on new freedom and friendships. For Instance, in Source 1″ Starting in the late 1870s, a movement of 40,000 African Americans labeled the Exoduster  movement out West…… This allows us to see, AA’s wanted to improve their lives and they had to leave the South and go to the West and many tried to make sure AA were able to get a fair start at transforming their lives.The way people lived at the time was caring .

However, some may feel the transformation of America as a result of Westward Expansion affected politics and culture of the time in mostly a negative way. In Source 3 people had a harmful impact on the environment and many settlers  didn’t appreciate the Native American Culture.

In conclusion, the evidence strongly supports CHANGE in history. Based on the facts in Source 1, “The withdrawal of federal troops in the South, accompanied by a rise in Ku Klux Klan violence and the enactment of the Jim Crow laws, solidified the status of African Americans as second class citizens.” It helps us to understand about the past better because it lets us know that us African Americans was getting treated less than what we are. Like the government treating us wrong because they stop giving out taxes because Trump wants to build a wall he having a whole fit and stopping what we need just so he can stop the immigrants from coming in. Perhaps people should consider their worth and not settle for less.Image result for westward expansion

Soviet Union Was Unacceptable

The idea of the collapse of the Soviet Union is bad. I say bad because the president H.W. betrayed his people. During the 1990’s president was betraying and turning his back on his people. He had lied and said that he wasn’t going to raise the taxes but he did it anyways. Themes to consider are culture and Economics. For example, ” George H.W. Bush promised not to raise taxes but he did it because he had to pay for Reagan’s tax cuts.” He failed his people. This allows us to see that he lied , betrayed his people, and failed them. Essentially, we see a major shift in culture and economics in this time, because it showed how the president behaved towards his people and it showed how he got what he wanted. This was important because people will do and say anything to get what they want and need. Image result for betraying people

Government Taking From Wealth To Give To The Lazy People

The government leaders were compassionate and kind in the 1960’s was factual. I say factual because this statement is true. Themes to consider when thinking about this topic are culture and change. For example,”The president Johnson’s legislation wasted money.For Instance, line 2 states,”Great Society vastly expanded the welfare state.This allows us to see that the government was taking from the wealthy to help the lazy people that didn’t won’t to work. In Conclusion, we see a major focus on culture and hurt and change because they was just giving money to the lazy people who didn’t want to work. This was important because it helps us to understand what the government was doing.Perhaps people should stop looking for handouts and work. Everything in life is not handed out to you. You have to work for everything. Image result for lazy people asking rich for money


The Containment Is Bad

The Containment in action from 1945-1990 was a bad thing. I say bad thing because they did horrible things.Themes to consider about this topic are culture and relationships.For example,U.S. containment policy generated problems around the world.For instance, in the text it states that ,”American leaders hoped to prevent communism from spreading. This allows us to see that they didn’t want communism to spread throughout the world.”In conclusion , we see a major focus on culture and relationships because it shows how people behave and live their lives.It also shows how they had a negative relationship.This was important because it helps us to understand about the past better. Perhaps people should learn more about their history and that “Containment” was a United States policy using numerous strategies to prevent the spread of communism abroad. A component of the Cold War, this policy was a response to a series of moves by the Soviet Union to enlarge its communist sphere of influence in Eastern Europe, China, Korea, and Vietnam.Image result for containment in action

The Presidents Who Hurt Our Community And Culture

The ideas of Presidents Harding, Coolidge and Hoover are similar. I say similar because what they did to community was identical. It happened during Turbulent Times. Themes to consider when thinking about this topic are culture and power.For example,1920’s presidents policies hurt America.For instance,”(Harding) campaigned on a slogan of return to normalcy”,”(Coolidge) believed that the government shouldn’t interfere,”and “(Hoover) took little action after the collapse of the Stock Market in 1929”. This allows us to see a negative impact on culture and power because the presidents wasn’t doing a good job at being a president.  They worried about themselves and not others opinion.This was important because it helps us to understand that we should be more careful who we elect to be president because they can hurt our culture and community.Perhaps,people should start thinking about others instead of themselves.

Image result for hurt community